this year we are continuing out renewal plans. After the flush toilets we are now concentrating on the kitchens with all new pots pans dishes and Glasses in the cuboards and new knife blocks and Microwaves on the counters. I've even started replacing the beds with memory foam. Plans for this summer is more dock work and looking at repairing the old storage cabin. we've also added a few new motors to our fleet.I hope these will be the first of many improvements to come.
We are no longer for sale and instead are focussed on making improvements to the camp and it's equipment. Future goals include new toilets showers and boats among other things. Our goal is to give you the most enjoyable experience for the money possible. here's to anouther great year with a low dollar there is no better time to come and enjoy what Northern Ontario has to offer.
We are for sale!! that is right folks Poplar Ridge Lodge is up for grabs after 24 years it is time to move on I will be here untill the end of the 2014 season , but with any luck I will be introducing you all to new owners. Hopefully ones that can inject some much needed funds into the camp to keep it a premeir destinatiion for you all. Thank you to all the wonderful guests and friend we have made throughout the years you will always be in our hearts.
We now accept mastercard and visa!
A low Canadian Dollar Passports Required New prices and bigger discounts
Rain, rain and more rain seems to be the theme for 2008. We have seen the lake rise to levels usually seen only in Spring and this has hampered the dock overhaul project. On the other hand, it has surprisingly yeilded many large walleye. We think the fish may have become confused by the high water levels and colder water temperature and headed upstream to 'spawn'.
Water levels are now receeding and we are looking forward to the remainder of a beautiful summer.
NO PASSPORT REQUIRED - Some people may be surprised to learn that no passports are required to enter Canada by motor vehicle.
This year we had a lot of equipment upgrades - some planned and some simply necessary. Replacing propane fridges with full-sized electric fridges in each cabin has been a worthwhile change. The electric fridges have proved more reliable, are able to hold more and much less dangerous. There is now much less need to change propane tanks -time consuming and always inconveniently required in the middle of cooking breakfast!
We have also upgraded the generator after a few years of relying on the back-up. The new generator easily handles running the cabins (with fridges)as well as the walk-in freezer during hunting season (and still have a back-up).
Riding down to meet the incoming boat and pick up our customers' gear on a lawn mower, eventually proved too embarassing, despite the fact that the lawn was always well groomed. We finally came to the realization that good ol' faithful aka the Big Bear, deserves an extended retirement after 20 years of great service. It was a difficult machine to replace. After much research, Darrel finally decided on the PowerMax 400. He liked it (and the price) so much that he is now a registered dealer for the Chinese-made machines. As if we don't already have enough to do with our time!!
New Phone Number - 1(705) 812 2671
To improve communications out at the lodge, we have had a satellite internet connection installed which allows for a telephone via Voice Over Internet Protocol.
When calling, please allow a short pause at the begining of the conversation. If unanswered, please call again immediately.
There is NO MORE SLOT SIZE for walleye caught on our lake - and what a difference! Our guests are coming in with many more walleye than last year, and many are nice eating size too!
The new catch limits for walleye are 4 fish, one of which may be over 18 inches.